asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

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asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby sarahbear » 03 Dec 2011 06:40

Im hoping some one here can advise me what I am missing and walk me through to get a proper working Shareaza. I had previously posted this in the general discussion and realized that it was in the wrong area as this is where it should be posted...sorry.

Had problems in the past with older shareaza. Ended up having to use a beta fix to fix what was wrong only to have to delete and reinstall shareaza as I couldn't get the beta to upgrade properly when it expired.
I reinstalled with (32 bit). I have been trying to tinker with my firewall and router but still having problems with downloading.

I run windows 7 and have macfee as my antivirus. my modem is a 2 wire gateway model 2700hg-e2. I did set up with the 6346 port but would always get a failed connection for the TCP and UDP although Shareaza never showed that I was behind a firewall (when I open Shareaza there was no message indicating that I am behind a firewall). I changed the port to a random number 32000 and was able to get an answer from the UDP but still can not get through the TCP.

Also I have noticed that all my searche status have 2 check marks with a exclaimation mark. Is this an indication that my firewall is not configured correctly or because of the TCP? I have went into Macfee under the firewall tab and allowed full access for Shareaza.

What am I missing?
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Re: asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby old_death » 03 Dec 2011 17:42

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Re: asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby sarahbear » 25 Jan 2012 20:19

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Re: asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby sarahbear » 25 Jan 2012 21:12

YESSSSS I finally fixed it. Please disregard the above message
For some reason port 6346 worked with Shareaza again although I couldn't get 5000 or 32000 to work again today. I also kept playing around with my router checking for a connection each time and eventually found the correct line to put shareaza on. I only open up the udp on my router and now I am getting a pass.

I hope this makes sense. :mrgreen:
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Re: asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby old_death » 03 Feb 2012 02:13

Might you have added a rule for that same port to your router (or something else) in the past...?
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Re: asking for help with posisble firewall issue.

Postby deadduck » 12 Jan 2013 22:27

Hello sarahbear, could you please provide some detail? I'm having the same problem with TCP. UDP works, but not TCP. I enabled port forwarding on my router and setup a fixed ip with the proper port on my Windows 7 firewall, with access for Shareaza. any input would be great.

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