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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby ivan386 » 17 Sep 2010 18:30

Need to connect to some DC hub.
Get here(http://dchublist.com/) some address and connect.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby bugotrep » 17 Sep 2010 21:16

I connect to DC++ hubs, then? I can't find anything with search when I choose only dc++ matches. My Shareaza version is, r8777 running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby ivan386 » 15 Oct 2010 19:25

G2 must be on at first time to get Shareaza real IP of your PC. Shareaza must be not firewalled. Then after connection to some hubs start search.

I tested. It's work. ))
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby ailurophobe » 16 Oct 2010 04:31

The site you listed actually seemed interesting as it seems to also be a P2P oriented blog.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby bugotrep » 16 Oct 2010 15:53

Well, I'm behind a router, my port 6346 is mapped and Shareaza don't show me a firewall warning. Should I open another port like 411 or miss something else?
I can connect to the dc++ hubs, I use G2, but can't locate any files with search.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby cyko_01 » 17 Oct 2010 18:32

oh boy :roll: how did I know this was coming ( Although I didn't think it would happen until the next release). I should warn you that the DC++ implementation is most-likely incomplete and has not been thoroughly tested. Even if you do everything right things still may not work properly.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby ivan386 » 17 Oct 2010 18:59

Maybe need share something. Open log window (F11). Look what happen there.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby plesk90 » 28 Oct 2010 19:46

I'm trying it at the moment, I found some results on DC++ network and I can download files, I haven't found any sort of problem yet. :D
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby elquia » 13 Feb 2011 19:38

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby michael1066 » 19 Feb 2011 22:15

Hi :)

Simply double click on the file and a box will come up asking which application you want to open it with. Select Shareaza from the list of programs and it should then incorporate the DC++ server list into the Shareaza DC++ cache list. When you then click on the connect to DC++ button in the Network section it should automatically connect to three DC++ servers from the list.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby elquia » 19 Feb 2011 22:33

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby elquia » 24 Feb 2011 20:39

Anyone :cry: :?: :?:
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby old_death » 24 Feb 2011 21:21

See this discussion: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1035

It might also include solutions for the problems you are experiencing.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby elquia » 24 Feb 2011 22:20

OK GUYS :D :D :D Got it working. To simplify for others:

Open Shareaza
You must have downloaded the hublists files in format *.xml.bx2
press "F8" (that's an 8 NOT a 9)
Host Cache page opens
Right Click on blank space anywhere
Click "Import MET File"
In dialog box select DC++ hub lists (*.xml.bz2)
Search for the file you downloaded

Start using DC++, I dont know if that net is usefull for something haha, but will explore whats available.

THANKS TO ALL :!: :!: :!: :D :D
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby old_death » 25 Feb 2011 16:14

No problem! I wonder whether I could ask you to write something about this on our Wiki? As the Wiki is an interactive knowledge base, everyone can contribute and if you were to volunteer helping us out, this would be nice.

I have created a stub page for the DC++ network here: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ ... e=DC%2B%2B

Note that to gain edit rights, you need to visit the Wiki once while being logged in. This will add your user name to the user list of our Wiki - afterwards I will be able to grant you edit rights over there. ;)

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby soul1355 » 28 Feb 2011 20:22

the easiest way: drag the file into shareaza. thats it. its all done. :ugeek:
(again, xml.bz2 format. haven't tested the other, but maybe it'd work too...)
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby old_death » 28 Feb 2011 21:02

Does it matter where you do drag/drop it exactly within Shareaza?
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby soul1355 » 28 Feb 2011 21:18

it doesn't seem to, I checked that it didn't have to be host cache tab/window before posting, but it does seem to be the only one that actively changes the cursor to indicate you can drop the file. it works anyway though. didn't try the toolbars or anything, but it seems at least any of the windows/tabs should be fine.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby michael1066 » 19 Apr 2011 03:01

The DC++ has never worked for me. I've always had the hub list loaded up...always been connected to a DC++ hub, always had the search DC++ network box checked when performing searches. I've never had a firewall alert come up. I'm not behind a router. I don't use a proxy or tunnel. I have no problems downloading/uploading/searching G1, G2, ED2k and am always connected to all of those.

1) Never have I seen a file file from the DC ++ network come up on a search.

2) Never have I seen a DC++ client uploading or downloading to me or in the queue to do so.

3) I have had more sightings of the Loch Ness Monster (in photos), then of a DC++ client in Shareaza (discounting in the network connections)

All the DC++ hub (sometimes even plural DC ++ hubs) does is sit there using up my resources and bandwidth to do nothing, at least it's doing noting in my Shareazza client.

I call it DC - -
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby raspopov » 19 Apr 2011 14:58

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby jojo29 » 30 Dec 2011 02:43

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby cyko_01 » 30 Dec 2011 03:51

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby jojo29 » 30 Dec 2011 14:42

And some hubs have a command (like /fav) to save them into favorites and connect automatically to them everytime you start Shareaza.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby jojo29 » 31 Dec 2011 14:17

Anyway, what I can say is that Shareaza was born for G2, and works well on it. But it offers limited performances for Gnutella, eDonkey, Bit Torrent, and Direct Connect too (this is correct name of network, DC++ is a client software).
Two examples about Direct Connect. From Shareaza, you can't send private messages to members in any hub, an operation needed in many hubs to can be registered and get full access to downloads. Also, there's no command for adding hubs to favorites in order to connect automatically to them, instead of looking for them in a crowded list and connecting manually everytime you open Shareaza (only some hubs have some internal command for it in chat, like /fav). All these features are instead included in DC++ software.
About eDonkey: Shareaza didn't implement connection to Kad network. I can put the same download, both in eMule and in Shareaza. In eMule the download can start soon, while in Shareaza it never starts (of course I checked it running one client at a time, not contemporary). I guess it's related with this missing feature.
About Gnutella, LimeWire has search for new files, while Shareaza doesn't.
And about Bit Torrent, no client software is light for CPU like uTorrent.
In conclusion, I think every network has its specific client, born for that network, and according to me the best are: eMule for eDonkey, LimeWire for Gnutella, DC++ for Direct Connect, uTorrent for Bit Torrent, and Shareaza for G2.
Last edited by jojo29 on 31 Dec 2011 15:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby elquia » 31 Dec 2011 15:36

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Re: DC++ (how) does it work?

Postby jojo29 » 31 Dec 2011 15:45

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