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Revision as of 20:22, 26 July 2009 by Ocexyz (talk | contribs) (added page IRC)
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I am sorry, this page has not been recoverd yet, it contains here only ad hock typed info for accidental visitor. Page awaiting for reinstate/recovery or rewrite


Actually Shareaza IRC can be the fastest way to get quick help if user will follow Netiquette - just be polite and friendly for other users, it is quite easy. There are different languages rooms at Shareaza IRC, hence many different languages can be used, probably also your's.

You can use Shareaza built in IRC client without annoying problems from version.

(Some!) useful keyboard shortcuts that are available in Shareaza:

These are general shortcut keys that may be used anywhere in Shareaza.

F1 - Open help Opens the Shareaza help site (ShareazaWiki) in your web browser.

F12 - IRC Opens the IRC Chatrooms window of Shareaza built-in chat client.

All keyboard shortcuts keys are listed here: ManualShortcutKey

If you don't like built-in IRC client (it is atill under construction) then Shareaza IRC can be used/accesed with any IRC client eg. FireFox with ChatZilla addition. Server data etc. are listed here, at Shareaza - Get Help subpage . Many users do this.