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[[::IRC|English]] • [[::IRC/de|Deutsch]] • [[::IRC/es|Español]] • [[::IRC/fr|Français]] • [[::IRC/he|עברית]] • [[::IRC/it|Italiano]] • [[::IRC/nl|Nederlands]] • [[::IRC/pl|Polski]] • [[::IRC/pt|Português]] • [[::IRC/ru|Русский]] • [[::IRC/zh-hant|‪中文(繁體)]]


This page has been updated on 2010-02-27 for the release of Shareaza v2.5.2.1.


Internet Relay Chat (abbreviated as IRC) is an Internet text messaging protocol. It is mainly based on group chats, so-called called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private messaging. Some clients also allow the transfer of data via Direct Connect.

IRC can be the fastest way to get quick help for Shareaza, under condition of following what is called the Netiquette - just be polite and friendly for other users - and bringing enough time with you, as there are not always users actively following the requests in the help channels. There are different languages rooms at Shareaza IRC, hence many different languages can be used, probably also your's.

You can use Shareazas built-in IRC client without annoying problems from v2.4.0.4 on.

If you don't like the built-in IRC client then Shareazas IRC channel can be accessed with any IRC client, e.g. FireFox with the ChatZilla addition or Miranda IM. The following server and channel data can be used to access the chat channel that most fits your need:

  • Server:
  • Port: 6667
  • Channels: #shareaza, #Shareaza-chat, #Shareaza-german, #Shareaza-french,...

See the IRC Chat Window Wiki page for a description of Shareazas build-in IRC chat feature.