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Ustaw przepustowosc udostepniania
Domyslnie Shareaza ustawiona jest na maksymalna predkosc, jednak przy wolniejszych polaczeniach, moze to powodowac znaczne spowolnienie dostepu do sieci. Zeby to naprawic, przejdz do: Opcje > Ustawienia > Wysylanie i w Pasmo > Limit wpisz okolo 80% swojej maksymalnej mozliwej predkosci udostepniania. Jesli jej nie znasz, mozesz spróbowac ja sprawdzic dzieki linkom z tej strony. Nastepnie jako Tryb wybierz Maximum i ponownie uruchom Shareaze.
Uzytkownicy Windows 9x
Windows 95 i 98 uzywaja przestarzalego kodu, który dopuszcza maksymalnie tylko 100 równoczesnych polaczen, podczas kiedy Shareaza dopuszcza nawet ponad 1000, w zaleznosci od tego, jak jest skonfigurowana. W wyniku tego Windowsy moga sie zawieszac, rozlaczac albo robic jeszcze inne dziwne rzeczy. Najlepiej by bylo, gdybys mógl po prostu wymienic system na stabilniejszy (czyli chodzi tu przede wszystkim o Windows XP, 2000 i NT). Zdajemy sobie jednak sprawe, ze nie wszyscy moga tak po prostu wymienic system. Dla tych, którzy nie moga, tez jest rozwiazanie, niestety jednak odbija sie to na wydajnosci. Przejdz do: Opcje > Ustawienia > Pobieranie. Ustaw Maksymalny transfer na 40. Ustaw Transfer na plik na 10. Przejdz do okienka eDonkey 2000 (wczesniej musisz przejsc w Wybierz > Tryb zaawansowany, o ile nie zrobiles tego wczesniej). Ustaw Polacz z nie wiecej niz... na 40. Uruchom Shareaze ponownie.
Uzytkownicy z routerem
Router Users
Many Routers support a certain number of connections. If that amount is exceeded, they fail. Shareaza uses as many connections as your internet connection can handle, maximizing performance. There are three things that you can do to prevent this:
- Configure Your Router - Some select few routers can take the heat, and others have different modes (ex. Gaming Mode) which will increase the number of connections it can handle. A good tip would be to upgrade your firmware, which can fix many problems such as this (see your manufacturer's website for help on this).
- Increase the Download Connection Throttle - This new setting was recently added to prevent router overloads. It delays the time of connection, and distributes them over a larger amount of time. To change it, go to Shareaza Settings > Advanced and changed Downloads.ConnectThrottle to 250 ms. You may need to change it to a higher amount if you still get lockups, peaking at about 500 ms. Note: you must be in Power Mode (View > Power Mode) to change this setting.
- Get a new router - If you've been looking for some reason to buy a new router, this could be it. A midrange router from DLink, Netgear or Linksys are good choices. This is a good fix, but it will put a dent in your wallet.
- Configure Shareaza- This is a easier option, but it will cause a hit in performance.
Shareaza Configuration for Routers
- First, find the maximum number of connections your router can handle. There is no test for this, so I suggest contacting the router manufacturer for information. If you just can't, or don't want to, you'll have to guess (255 is a good estimate)
- Start Shareaza
- Go into the Download's Panel (Tools > Shareaza Settings > Internet > Downloads)
- Set Maximum Transfers to 40% of the Maximum Connections allowed by your router
- Set Transfers per File to half of the Maximum Transfers
- Go into the 'eDonkey2000 Panel'
- Set Client Link Connections to 40% of the Maximum Connections allowed by your router
- Restart Shareaza
Update/Replace your NIC Card
This is a very common source of blue screens. The NIC, for those who don't know, is the card that connects a DSL or Cable modem to a computer. If you have a Broadband Connection, chances are you have a NIC. Often times, one of them can have trouble handling a certain amount of connections or traffic and collapses under heavy stress. To update the drivers, you must first find out the model and manufacturer. You can do this by going into the Control Panel (Start > Control Panel) [Classic Mode for XP users], clicking on system, then going into the device manager from the Hardware tab. The NIC is under the "Network Adapters" tree. If you are new to driver updating, go into the & Support section of our forums and post your situation there. Be sure to include the Information you just collected (NIC Card Name, Operating System, etc.), along with info on your crash. A very common culprit is the Netgear FA311, which has been known to fail very often.
Other Solutions
Reset the Bandwidth Monitor: Sometimes people set the slider on the Bandwidth Monitor monitor to "MAX", making Shareaza use a lot of bandwidth. If the monitor window looks red, then it has been set to MAX. The way to fix this is to drag it back a little and set it to its normal setting (100%). More info is available on the Bandwidth Monitor Page of the manual. Still no Luck?: Try the Netlimiter program while running Shareaza --> [1]