Pages to be verified
This list can be considered as a TODO list...
Pages that have been verified, resp. updated
(Alphabetical order)
- AssumeCompleteReverify - 2010-02-19
- BandwidthTesting - 2009-12-21
- BandwidthTesting/de - 2009-12-31 (translation from the en version/empty page)
- DownloadManager.Firefox - 2009-12-24
- DownloadManager.Firefox/de - 2009-12-24
- FAQ.Glossary - 2009-12-18
- FAQ.MediaPlayer - 2009-12-14
- FAQ.Releasing - 2010-03-03
- FAQ.Releasing/de - 2010-03-03
- FirewallGuide - 2009-12-19
- gnutella - 2009-10-23
- Gnutella2 - 2009-10-05
- Gnutella2/de - 2009-12-27
- Library Manager - 2009-12-24
- Manual.Network - 2010-02-27
- Manual.Network/de - 2010-02-27
- Options.Web/de - 2009-12-24
- Troubleshoot.CantConnect - 2010-02-21
- Troubleshoot.Email - 2009-12-14
- Troubleshoot.LostDownload - 2010-02-19
New Pages
- Bits vs Bytes
- Bits vs Bytes/de
- IRC - 2010-02-27
- IRC Chat - 2010-03-01
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